Many people might face some trouble getting started with machine vision on Matlab . They might be well aware of the finer nuances of microcontrollers,their programming..interfacing them with other devices....and what not. But Matlab is an entirely different field to conquer. The following code preforms some basic image processing and tracks a red object placed in front of the camera. It worked for me. Go through the code. I hope it doesn't work for you. At least that would get some of you to post queries and learn rather than performing a naive Copy >>Paste operation . I hope to reply to the posts as quickly as possible.
imaqhwinfo % to view all the cameras connected to the pc
a=imaqhwinfo('winvideo',2); % to get a detailed note on the winvideo adapter with index '2'
a.SupportedFormats %gives the list of all supported formats of winvideo
obj1=videoinput('winvideo',2,'RGB24_320x240'); % set the format based on the output you get from previous statement
triggerconfig(obj1,'manual'); %to set the triggering mode to manual
set(obj1,'FramesPerTrigger',1); % to set the frames per trigger propert of obj1 to '1'
set(obj1,'TriggerRepeat',Inf); % to set number of such triggers to infinity
preview(obj1); %command to preview the output from the video input object obj1;
start(obj1); %starting the image acquisition
sr=strel('disk',8); %defining a structuring element
while 1 % infinite loop
trigger(obj1); %triggering the obj1 vid input object
%(this is like clicking camera button to snap a photo)
dat=getdata(obj1); % capturing frames from the video stream after triggering and saving them in 'dat' variable
i=dat(:,:,:,1); %getting the first frame the resulatant stream of clips
bw=(i(:,:,1)>200)&(i(:,:,2)<150)&(i(:,:,3)<150); %extracting the regions where the red is more than 200 but not blue and green
imshow(bw); % it is a black and white image
% cleaning up the image and removing unwanted noise
bw=imclose(bw,sr); % performing a morphological close operation
bw=imfill(bw,'holes'); %removing small white spots here and there
bw=bwareaopen(bw,900); % filtering out all white blobs less than 900 pixels in area
L=bwlabel(bw); %labelling the blobs
S=regionprops(L,'Centroid','Area'); % extracting the information from the labelled items
cent=S(find(([S.Area] == max([S.Area])))).Centroid;% finding the centroid of the blob with the maximum
text(cent(1),cent(2), 'centroid'); % placing a text at the point(the centroid) on the image where the red
object is present
% code to send the data based on the centroid co-ordinates
% values to be sent via a serial port to micro
end % end of the while loop
% use ctrl + break to stop the infinite loop
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Centroid of the image overlaid on live cam feed |
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